The striking Flora Cash, comprised of the promising duo Cole Randall and Shpresa Lleshaj, exuded a dulcetly delivered soundscape on their tune “The Bad Boys.” Atmospheric and enveloping in each and every turn, the two have a knack for putting their listeners in a blissful state of listening.

Now, their track’s been taken on by the Swedish electronic producer Adam Öhman, better known as Mountain Bird, who delves deep into his own indie-electronica remixing skills for the pleasantly driving rework.

Ridden with bittersweet melancholy in its commencement, the future bass track excels in both its silkily-treated vocals and swirling melody. Most notably, the rework’s an enthralling testament to the production skills that have gained Mountain Bird traction across the world. And with this remix in mind, it’s no wonder that his pearlescent craft has garnered airtime on radio shows like BBC Radio 6, Absolute Radio, Nordic By Nature, placement on Spotify’s Top 100 Indie Tracks of 2016, and surely shows no signs of stopping.

“The Bad Boys” is a part of a new remix EP from Flora Cash, Retrospective, released Dec. 1.

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