It’s been just over two years since we’ve been privy to any new music from tastemaking producer George Fitzgerald, who released his debut LP Fading Love in 2015. Luckily for us, the English artist has blessed us with latest single “Burns”. Premiered as Annie Mac’s Hottest Record In The World on BBC Radio 1, “Burns” sees Fitzgerald effortlessly blending the radio friendly aesthetic of his native house and garage with the muted robotics and tinny percussion of warehouse-leaning techno. Leaning on fortified melody, “Burns” manages to maintain a healthy swath of house based soul, while rolling through arpeggiated synths, stacks of vocal samples, and understated techno drums to bring home its central thesis. About his latest tune Fitzgerald remarked: “The track started life as a studio experiment making a beatless chant out of loads of contrasting vocal samples, and then morphed over time. It works as a moment on a dancefloor but at heart it’s meant to be quite meditative, which I guess is where I’m at right now.” Which we agree, is the choice word about his latest work: “meditative”.
Rumors have been swirling around Fitzgerald’s full-length followup, and we’ve found out that it will be slated for an early 2018 release. “Burns” is out now via Domino Recording Co. offshoot Double Six Records, which you can stream below and buy here.
Original post:Electronic – The Music Ninja