Earlier this year, I brought you a first look and listen at former popster Tessa Rose Jackson, under the gleaming new moniker of Someone. Since then, she’s been busy releasing a handful of new tunes, each one showcasing the sophisticated breadth of both musicianship and songwriting abilities.

“Forget Forgive” is the most recent offering. Softly sung and set to a repeating guitar strum, it has an intentional simplicity that’s positively haunting. The uncluttered soundscape is perfect for the emotive lyrics and beautifully layered chorus, which will leave you completely and wonderfully enveloped.

This release came out earlier this month via PIAS, but today, you’re getting a first look at the accompanying music video.

Because the subject matter of this track is so straight-forward, I wanted the video to give the song a twist. During a brainstorm with my manager, we settled on the idea of translating this internal struggle into an actual struggle. A fight. Skin-on-skin action; rough, ruthless and messy. Just like the way we treat ourselves sometimes. But to support the dreamy, emotional quality of the music, we wanted to film it in super slow-motion, so that the colliding movement between the two characters can become almost like a dance.

Being a massive sci-fi lover, the intro to the video is a big nod to all my favourite B-movies from the 1980’s (which also gave me a great excuse to write an intense opening score full of vintage synthesizer madness). – Someone

Have a look below and then make sure to mark your calendars for the 27th. She’ll be playing at Cinetol in Amsterdam, and if you’re in the area, you should definitely go catch her live performance.

See more here:Electronic – The Music Ninja