We caught up with India’s fastest rising production duo JustChokus!

Hi JustChokus!, how are you and what’s going on in your world at the moment?
We’re doing fine, thanks for asking. As of now we’re working odd jobs to make this happen for us, we are producing music as and when we get time and the rest we play in house parties from time to time and clubs when possible.

Where are you currently based?
We are currently based in New Delhi, India.

How would you describe your sound?
Our sound has no genre, it is just like us, just chokus!

Who were your influences growing up?
Diplo made a huge impression on us and we started liking dubstep and trap, which made us start making our own music. We liked the sounds of Zomboy, Eptic, Skrillex to name a few. I still start my workout with a Zomboy track to get the pump I need.

How did you get involved in the Dance music business?
This was a while ago when we started trying out FL Studio, we made a weird track using loops and one-shots and then slowly and gradually we started making our own sound, next thing we know we got almost 10K plays on our song!

Where would you like to see yourself in the months ahead?
A LOT OF PLACES! Starting from our own management to our own tour!!

Which is your ultimate career dream?
To make this thing, this passion of ours is our everyday life.

Can you tell us about any upcoming releases and what has been your career highlight so far?
We’ve got a slay drum and bass remix for one of the best out there and a few originals. Our career highlight would be like a staircase, we’re going one step at a time and we like that to be honest, it actually makes you feel like you’re growing.

Who’s inspiring you in 2017?
Diplo’s always gonna be inspiring us and Rezz has taken over all of a sudden and in a good way plus the usual legends always stay there to keep us motivated from time to time.

If you could choose, who would you like to collaborate with?
We’d probably choose DJ Snake, his style is catchy and it never gets old. Touché!

Tell us something not many people know about JustChokus!?
We both dropped out from school and college to make this happen, it was very tough in the beginning, nobody supported us but now things are taking a turn for the good. One works 6 days a week 12 hours a day and the other gets nagged from his parents to find a job everyday.

Anything to add/shout outs?
Shout-out to our passion inside us, without that we’re just hopeless producers.

JustChokus! Online