Canadian talent Felix Cartal has built his career upon whistful productions whose airy nature instantly takes the mind to a happy place. His latest release is a special collaboration with none other than Dutch veteran R3hab, who’s recently been exploring the future bass side of EDM production.

The two make a solid team, joining their respective styles into “Killing Time” —  a beach-ready record equipped with warm vocals and tropical kicks. Pianos run abound in “Killing Time,” which paired with the track’s low tempo makes for the perfect mold of a song that will assuredly click with the masses. Ultimately, the two have captured a sunny spirit in their collaboration that would brighten even the cloudiest day.

Read More:

Zedd & Alessia Cara – Stay (Felix Cartal Remix)

Felix Cartal – Get What You Give (Radio Edit)

David Guetta & Justin Bieber – 2U (R3hab Remix)