Hailing from the bustling city of Baltimore, rising duo Life On Planets bring their latest delivery titled “The Maze” via Wolf + Lamb Records. While the title track from their forthcoming EP, out July 21st, is not the team’s first release off the coveted Brooklyn-based label, it surely stands out an advanced extension of their distinctive, soulful sound.

Made up of DJ/producer Patrick and vocalist/guitarist Phill, the pair’s debut album Curious Palace was released off the label in 2015 with abundant praise, introducing the project’s eclectic melding of funk, house, and disco virtuosity that has resulted in a dedicated following over the years. Now, Life On Planets make their long-awaited return and seek to further harness their creative pursuit with lead single “The Maze” by encapsulating a matured musical landscape.

The track quickly evolves into a ruminative, tech house number filled with R&B-tinged sensibilities. A driving 4/4 rhythm supplies a platform for minimal percussion, luscious chords, and Phill’s longing narrative, displaying the duo’s undeniable musical synchronicity that dives deep into the soul.

Stream Life On Planets’ “The Maze” below, exclusively on Dancing Astronaut.