Canadian production duo Jef and Miles, jointly known as Jef Miles are here to introduce their 22ndepisode of their monthly podcasts Polar Radio, exclusive to Mixcloud. This episode continues the constant delivery of the latest Trap and Progressive House fist pumpers which will be sure to keep you raving all weekend long.
This 90-minute podcast features tracks from Martin Garrix, Troye Sivan, Snakehips, Bassjackers & KSHMR, Henry Fong, Bougenvilla, Baauer, MERCER & DJ SNAKE and more. This episode also takes us back to some EDM classics from Otto Knows, Steve Aoki’s remix of Kid Cudi’s ‘Pursuit of Happiness’.
Polar Radio was launched in 2015 with Jef Miles’ first produced tracks ‘Don’t Stop’ and ‘Follow Your Heart’ and is on a continuous growth ever since, building a solid following month after month.
The radio show is broadcast on multiple online platforms at various times:
1. DI.FM: 4th Wednesday every month at 11 AM, PDT
2. JRFM: Sunday 12 AM, EDT
3. Real Dance Radio: Every other Thursday at 9 PM, UK Time
4. Thursday at 11 PM, EDT
Make sure you stay tuned for the latest podcasts from Polar Radio!
Listen on Mixcloud
Also on iTunes
Jef Miles Online