2017 is the year of Dakota’s return, as Markus Schulz embarks on an expansive, multi-faceted Nine Skies tour under his beloved alias to take fans back into the dark side of his musical conscience. As Dakota releases are rare treats, the last one having been “Cathedral” in 2015, Schulz followers and underground trance fans the world over are anxiously waiting to hear what sort of incredible music the stalwart has in store for them.

The first taste of what’s to come is now in full circulation – a brooding, steamroller of a track titled “Mota-Mota.” Featuring Dutch techno veteran Koen Groenvald, the collaborators work together to catalyze goosebumps upon listening with tense, snare-laden buildups and a top-line with an unsettling, gloomy arrangement. “Mota-Mota” is the toughest piece to come out of the Markus Schulz repertoire in quite some time, and is a refreshing reminder that whether working under his regular name or Dakota, the man is still capable of killing unicorns.

Read More:

Markus Schulz goes back to progressive/tech with ‘Cathedral (Montreal)’ under Dakota alias

DA Premiere: Markus Schulz brings us nostalgic video for ‘Summer Dream’

Markus Schulz – Avalon (Los Angeles) (Original Mix)