It’s common to wonder what our purpose is in life. Determination to find the place we fit in best is at the forefront of human nature so when Big Beat Records resident KREAM created “Taped Up Heart,” they successfully incorporated an everyday struggle into enjoyable and relatable music. Music is a way to express individuality and when it’s mixed with real world insecurities it transforms from art to an advocate for those who may not know where they stand in the world.

The duo ended 2016 with the dance heavy hit and now they’re bringing it back to kick off 2017 with an official music video. Directed by Sam Mosher, and pulling inspiration from David Fincher’s Fight Club, the video takes place in an alternate reality and explores the idea of finding your place in the world.

This song is all about dealing with your inner demons and Samy did an amazing job bringing “Taped Up Heart” to life. Everyone has had that feeling of being an ‘other’ and wanting to find their place or purpose. Maybe it’s through music, maybe it’s joining an underground fight club


Original post:Electronic – The Music Ninja